Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hello all, well they were right about this being a really hard week. It has been nothing like the first 2 weeks. A lot more to learn, a lot of stuff i don't know much or anything about. also terms i've never heard before this week and its only tuesday. I'm pretty much studying 3-4 hours every night right now. Here are the topics for this weeks lectures, Intro to microbiology, yeast morphology, brewing yeast characteristics, yeast nutrition, yeast metabolism, yeast cultures/propagation, yeast physical behavior, fermenting operations, yeast flavor compounds, yeast quality measurements, yeast-genetic characteristics, yeast handling/management, dried yeast products, yeast nutrients, genetic tech.:yeast identification, genetic tech.: detection of contaminants, and processing aids. So if you know that you a better man than i. The saving grace to the day was we did another styles tasting. This time it was American style beers. The pictures here are what we had. The teacher we have had all this week so far but left this afternoon was from Scotland. He has a few brewing degrees and a PhD in yeast physiology. The man knows more about yeast that i'd ever care to know. Alright enough time on here back to the books.

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